
Report Number: 61
Year: 1985

A Photovoltaic Seawater Pumping System for Giant Clam Mariculture

No abstract was published. A summary of the Introduction and Objective follows.

Giant tridacnid clams are an important traditional food resource in Asia and the Pacific islands, including Micronesia. As a result of harvesting for commercial and subsistence purposes, populations have experienced a serious decline throughout their home ranges in the tropical Pacific. Scientists in several Pacific countries have tried to breed giant clams in the laboratory in an attempt to reverse the trend toward extinction and to develop an economical method for food production through mariculture. The objective of this study was to design and construct a solar photovoltaic seawater pumping system for use at the mariculture facility and to evaluate its performance from technical and economic points of view. Based on limited testing, the pumping system appears to fulfill the design criteria established at the beginning of the study. Pump test data, analysis and recommendations are presented and discussed herein.

Stephen J. Winter
Gerald A. Heslinga
Larry D. McCleary