
Report Number: 15
Year: 1980

The GHURA-Dededo Deep Monitoring Well: Planning and Design

The final design of Guam's first deep monitoring well has evolved from an open borehole concept through a three-well system ... to the present one-well system, [which] utilizes an inflatable packer assembly that will permit the accomplishment of several goals:

  1. Observation and simultaneous recording of point-water heads at two different levels
  2. Collection of water samples from isolated aquifer intervals
  3. Definition of a depth-salinity curve from the water column in the monitoring well

Although the one-well system is presently under construction, the design process is still continuing. A satisfactory method for emplacing and sealing the casing is still being worked out. Also, the precise location of the alternating perforated and sealed casing intervals must be determined.

Charles J. Huxel