Dr. Mark Lander

Dr. Mark Lander
Professor of Water Resources Engineering

Phone: 671-735-2690 (fax 734-8890) (GMT+10 hrs)
mlander(weri)uguam.uog.edu?subject=Faculty - WeriGuam.org

Publications List

Journal Articles:

  1. 2003: (With P. Duval, J. Beven, D. Clark, H. Lulofs, J. Marra, R. Mojica, and K. Waters) Service Assessment, Super Typhoon Pongsona (December 8, 2002). US Dept of Commerce, NOAA/National Weather Service. 32 pp plus appendixes.
  2. 2003: (With C.P. Guard and Arthur N. Chiu) Meteorological Assessment, Super Typhoon Pongsona (December 8, 2002). US Dept of Commerce, NOAA/National Weather Service. 54 pp.
  3. 2002: Tropical Cyclone Formation Definitions. Section 4.4.1 of the Global Guide to Tropical Cyclone Forecasting. Rapporteur Report. 5th International Workshop on Tropical Cyclones, Cairns, Australia, December, 2002.
  4. 2002: (With R.T. Edson, C.E. Cantrell, J.L. Franklin, P.S.Chang, and J.D. Hawkins) Operational Use of Quickscat over Tropical Cyclones. Proceedings of the 25th AMS conference on hurricanes and tropical meteorology, May 2002, San Diego, California. pp 41-42.
  5. 2002: A Look at Global Tropical Cyclone Activity with respect to the Atlantic Change-point Year of 1995. Proceedings of the 25th AMS conference on hurricanes and tropical meteorology, May 2002, San Diego, California. pp 142-143.
  6. 2002: (With B.D. Ward Jr.) Distal and Sympathetic Surface Trough Development Induced by TUTT Cells: A Case Study. Proceedings of the 25th AMS conference on hurricanes and tropical meteorology, May 2002, San Diego, California. pp 446-447.
  7. 2002: (With R.T. Edson) Evaluation of Microwave Imagery in the Life Cycle of Tropical Cyclones. Proceedings of the 25th AMS conference on hurricanes and tropical meteorology, May 2002, San Diego, California. pp 477-478.
  8. 2001-2003: Principal Author of Pacific ENSO Applications Center (PEAC) ENSO Newsletter. Quarterly publications of the Pacific ENSO Applications Center.
  9. 1993-1997: Principal Author of Chapter 3 (Summary of Western North Pacific and North Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclones) of the Annual Tropical Cyclone Report issued by the Joint Typhoon Warning Center.
  10. 2001: (With Charles P. Guard) Western North Pacific, North Indian Ocean, and Southern Hemisphere Tropical Cyclones of 1997. Monthly Weather Review. In press.
  11. 2001: Tropical Cyclones: Meteorological Aspects. Horticultural Science. In Press.
  12. 2001: Global Tropical Cyclone Activity During the 1990´s: Pronounced Effects of ENSO and Inter-decadal Changes. Proceedings of the 10th Pacific Science Inter-Congress. June 2001. Tumon, Guam.
  13. 2001: Responses of Well Levels on Northern Guam to Short-term and Long-term Variations of Rainfall and Tide. Proceedings of the 10th Pacific Science Inter-Congress. June 2001. Tumon, Guam.
  14. 2000: The Tropical Cyclone Distribution in the western North Pacific during the El Niño-La Niña swing of 1997-99: Extraordinary Interannual Changes. Proceedings of the 24th AMS conference on hurricanes and tropical meteorology, June 2000, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
  15. 1999: (With Charles P. Guard) A Scale Relating Tropical Cyclone Wind Speed to Potential Damage for the Tropical Pacific Ocean Region: A User´s Manual. Water and Environmental Research Institute (WERI) Technical Report 86. University of Guam, UOG Station, Mangilao, Guam, 96923.
  16. 1999: (With Charles P. Guard, Michael P. Hamnett, Charles J. Neumann, and H. Galt Siegrist) Typhoon Vulnerability Study for Guam. Water and Environmental Research Institute (WERI) Technical Report 85. University of Guam, UOG Station, Mangilao, Guam, 96923.
  17. 1999: A tropical cyclone with an extremely large eye. Monthly Weather Review. 127, 137-142.
  18. 1999: A Tropical Cyclone with an Enormous Central Cold Cover, Monthly Weather Review. 127, 132-136.
  19. 1999: (With E.J. Trehubenko and C. P. Guard) Eastern Hemisphere Tropical Cyclones of 1996. Monthly Weather Review. 127, 1274-1300.
  20. 1999: (With Charles P. Guard) The maximum winds on Guam during Super Typhoon Paka – further arguments for reassessing western North Pacific wind-pressure relationships. Proceedings of the 23rd AMS conference on hurricanes and tropical meteorology, January 1999, Dallas, Texas.
  21. 1999: (With Bill Ward) Upper Tropospheric outflow patterns over some very intense tropical cyclones of the western North Pacific as revealed by soundings, Doppler radar, and water-vapor winds. Proceedings of the 23rd AMS conference on hurricanes and tropical meteorology, January 1999, Dallas, Texas.
  22. 1999: (With Charles P. Guard) A look at global tropical cyclone activity: basin inter-comparisons and relationships with ENSO, QBO, and other large-scale climate. Proceedings of the 23rd AMS conference on hurricanes and tropical meteorology, January 1999, Dallas, Texas.
  23. 1999: Some characteristics of tropical cyclone intensification as revealed by hourly digital Dvorak. Proceedings of the 23rd AMS conference on hurricanes and tropical meteorology, January 1999, Dallas, Texas.
  24. 1999: (With S.B. Cocks and R. Edson) Techniques for incorporating SSM/I imagery into Dvorak tropical cyclone intensity. Proceedings of the 23rd AMS conference on hurricanes and tropical meteorology, January 1999, Dallas, Texas.
  25. 1999: (With G. McCulloch, S.B. Cocks and P. Hildebrand) Evaluation of a simple technique for predicting the peak intensity and the timing of peak intensity for tropical cyclones of the western North Pacific. Proceedings of the 23rd AMS conference on hurricanes and tropical meteorology, January 1999, Dallas, Texas.
  26. 1998: (With Michael Angove) Eastern Hemisphere Tropical Cyclones of 1995. Monthly Weather Review. 126, 257-280.
  27. 1998: (With C. P. Guard) A Look at global tropical cyclone activity during 1995: contrasting high Atlantic activity with low activity in other basins. Monthly Weather Review: Special 1995 Hurricane Issue, 126, 1163-1173.
  28. 1998: Some characteristics of tropical cyclone intensification as revealed by hourly digital Dvorak analysis. Proceedings of the 78th AMS annual meeting, January 1998, Phoenix, Arizona.
  29. 1997: On the ability of operational dynamic models to predict tropical cyclone intensity. Proceedings of the 22nd AMS conference on hurricanes and tropical meteorology, May 1997, Fort Collins CO.
  30. 1997: Technical writing support for the 1996 Annual Tropical Cyclone Report published by the Joint Typhoon Warning Center.1997: (with C.P. Guard) High Wave Events: NAVSTA Family Housing Project., report prepared for Moffat & Nichol Engineers, Long Beach, CA, 65 pp.
  31. 1997: (with T.R. Crume) Updating tropical cyclone satellite-derived Position Code Number criteria. JTWC/SATOPS Technical Note 97-001.1997: (with D.W. Miller) Intensity estimation of tropical cyclones during extratropical transition. JTWC/SATOPS Technical Note 97-002.
  32. 1996: Specific tropical cyclone track types and unusual tropical cyclone motions associated with a reverse-oriented monsoon trough in the western North Pacific. Weather and Forecasting, 11, 170-186.
  33. 1996: (With John Rupp) A Technique for estimating recurrence intervals of tropical cyclone-related high winds in the tropics: results for Guam. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 35, 628-637.
  34. 1996: Technical writing support for the 1995 Annual Tropical Cyclone Report published by the Joint Typhoon Warning Center.
  35. 1996: Large fluctuations of tropical cyclone intensity as revealed by the "Digital Dvorak" algorithm: implications for operations and research. Presented at the 1996 EGPACOM Tokyo Typhoon Conference, and at the 1996 Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference in Miami.
  36. 1995: The merger of two tropical cyclones. Monthly Weather Review, 123, 2260-2265.
  37. 1995: Unusual tropical cyclone motion associated with reverse orientation of the monsoon trough of the western North Pacific. Preprints of the 21st Conference on hurricanes and tropical meteorology, April 24-28, 1995, Miami FL. pp 213-215.
  38. 1995: Technical writing support for the 1994 Annual Tropical Cyclone Report published by the Joint Typhoon Warning Center, Guam.
  39. 1994: Description of a monsoon gyre and its effects on the tropical cyclones in the western North Pacific during August 1991. Weather and Forecasting, 9, pp 640-654.
  40. 1994: An Exploratory Analysis of the Relationship between Tropical Storm Formation in the western North Pacific and ENSO. Monthly Weather Review, 122, 636-651.
  41. 1994: The origins of drought on Guam. Water and Energy Research Institute of the western Pacific, Technical Report No. 75, University of Guam, Mangilao, Guam, 96923.
  42. 1993: Comments on, "A GCM Simulation of the Relationship between Tropical-Storm formation and ENSO". Mon. Wea. Rev.
  43. 1993: (with Greg Holland) On the interaction of tropical cyclone scale vortices, Part I: Observations, Quart. J. Roy. Met. Soc., 119, 1347-1361.
  44. 1993: (with Greg Holland) On the meandering nature of tropical cyclone tracks, J. Atmos. Sci., 50, 1254-1266.
  45. 1992: (with Charles Guard) A scale relating tropical cyclone wind speed to potential damage for the tropical western Pacific Ocean. Preprint of the 1992 NSC-NSF Joint Seminar on Prediction and Damage Mitigation of Meteorologically Induced Natural Disasters. National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, May 21-24, 1992.
  46. 1991: (with Charles Guard) Towards a consensus and public understanding of the definitions of maximum sustained winds in tropical cyclones. Preprint for the Second Workshop on Natural Disaster Reduction, Karuizawa, Japan, 23-27 September, 1991.
  47. 1990: Monthly averaged surface wind and anomalies. A near-real time analysis of Pacific surface wind and anomalies published in the Monthly Climate Diagnostics Bulletin issued by the Climate Analysis Center, World Weather Building, Room 605, 5200 Auth Road, Washington, D.C. 20233. Project duration: FEB 89 to MAY 90.
  48. 1990: Evolution of the cloud pattern during the formation of tropical cyclone twins symmetrical with respect to the equator, Mon. Wea. Rev. 118, 1194-1202.
  49. 1989: A comparative analysis of the 1987 ENSO event, Tropical Ocean Atmosphere Newsletter, 49, March, 3-6.
  50. 1989: (with J.C. Sadler, J.A. Maliekal, and A. Hori) Tropical Wind Stress from Time-averaged Winds. J. Appl. Meteor., 28, 904-912.
  51. 1988: (with M. L. Morrissey) Climatology of west wind bursts in the equatorial Pacific and their relationships to El Nino. Proc. Climate Diagnostics Workshop, Boston Mass.
  52. 1988: (with M. L. Morrissey) Do Equatorial Westerlies Precede El Nino?, Tropical Ocean Atmosphere Newsletter, 46, Sept., 1-5.
  53. 1988: (with M. L. Morrissey and J. A. Maliekal) A Preliminary Evaluation of Ship Data within the Equatorial Western Pacific. J. Atmos. Ocean. Tech., 5, 251-258.
  54. 1987: (with M. L. Morrissey) Unexpected Duplicate Ship Reports in the Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (COADS). Tropical Ocean Atmosphere Newsletter, 38, March, 5-7.
  55. 1987: (with J.C. Sadler, A. Hori, and L. Oda) Tropical Marine Climate Atlas, Vols. I and II, UHMET publication 87-01, Dept. of Meteor. Univ. of Hawaii, Honolulu HI.
  56. 1987: An Investigation of the Large-scale Changes of the Wind, Sea- level Pressure, and Clouds Associated with Tropical Cyclone Twins Symmetrical about the Equator in the Western Pacific. Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Miami, April 1987.
  57. 1986: Theory and Observation of the Relationships Among the Wind and Relevant Forces in the Tropical Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layer. Ph.D. dissertation. Dept. of Meteor. University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI.
  58. 1986: An Anomalous Wind-pressure Relationship Along the Long-term Mean Subtropical Ridge Axis and its Probable Cause. Proceedings of COADS workshop in Boulder CO., NOAA Tech. Memo. ERL ESG-23.
  59. 1986:An Effect of the Thermal Wind on the Boundary Layer Shear in the Tropical Eastern Pacific. Proceedings of COADS workshop in Boulder CO., NOAA Tech. Memo. ERL ESG-23.
  60. 1983: (with J.C. Sadler, B.J. Kilonsky, A. Hori, and L. Oda) Surface Winds, Wind Stress, and Weather Over the Tropical Pacific During the FGGE Hawaii to Tahiti Oceanographic Shuttle -- January 1979 to June 1980. University of Hawaii Dept. of Meteor., Publication UHMET 83-01.

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Technical Reports:

  1. Lander, M.A. (2004). Rainfall climatology for Saipan: distribution, return-periods, El Niño, tropical cyclones, and long-term variations. WERI Technical Report No. 100: 58 pp.
  2. Lander, M.A. and Khosrowpanah, S. (2004). Rainfall Climatology for Pohnpei Island, Federal State of Micronesia. WERI Technical Report No. 100: 58 pp.
  3. Lander M.A. and Guard, C.P. (2003). Creation of a 50-Year Rainfall Database, Annual Rainfall Climatology, and Annual Rainfall Distribution Map for Guam. WERI Technical Report No. 102: 31 pp.
  4. Lander, M.A. (2001). Responses of Well Water Levels on Northern Guam to Short-Term and Long-Term Variations of Rainfall and Tide. WERI Technical Report No. 94: 41 pp.

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